Tag trauma
CME: Haemostatic Resuscitation
Josh’s talk on appropriate fluid resuscitation in haemorrhagic shock.
CME: Haemostatic Resuscitation
Here is Nahdi’s talk on haemostatic resuscitation. Resources: SCGH Major haemorrhage / Massive Transfusion Protocol – 05/2017 SCGH Resuscitation / Trauma Team Roles – 4/2015 SCGH Trauma Call Criteria – 11/2017 Dan’s talk on ROTEM – A Cook’s Tour 6/2017 Ten…
SCGH Trauma Call Criteria Updated 11/2017
Here is the current ED and Major Trauma Call Criteria for SCGH ED Note: All Major Trauma Calls should be attended by representative staff from ICU, Anaesthetics and General Surgery, aswell as the relevant Emergency Department staff. This document can…
CME: Geriatric Trauma
Her is Aisling’s talk on geriatric trauma.
CME: Rotem
Here is Dan’s “Cook’s Tour” of Rote.When to use it and how to interpret, and act, on the results. Resources: ROTEM Analysis Summary from Haemoview Diagnostics Thromboelastometry guided therapy of severe bleeding ROTEM 101 – Basic Interpretation 34min Video…