Obstetrics Orientation Resources

Birth Algorithm

SCGH ED has all the Obstetric Equipment set up in the obstetric trolley found opposite R4 (Photos of contents pending but includes the following listed items):

SCGHED Obstetric and Gynaecological Emergency Guidelines:

Neonatal Resuscitation Algorithms:

Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) Flowchart

Newborn Life Support

KEMH Neonatal Resuscitation Algorithm:

KEMH Neonatal Resucitation Algorithm

Other useful resources:

O&G Contacts list
  • KEMH Review of Antenatal Patients at other hospitals:

See below for KEMH Clinical Guideline “Review at another hospital: Obstetric & Gynaecology review at FHHS, SCGH & RPH” (click to expand)

transfer to KEMH

For further training we recommend attending the Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics Course

Charlie’s ED Team Regs and Resusc staff can expect an O&G themed simulation once per semester as part of the SCGH ED Monday & Friday morning simulation sessions.

We would like to thank everyone who has helped with this blog post and series of videos as credited and especially Nicole and Thomas (formerly known as bump). For any further feedback or O&G training ideas please feel free to contact Suzanne (CN & RM).