How to give a presentation
A collection of useful resources on “How to give a Presentation”:
- “Awesome Presentation Tips & Tricks” by Natalie May from St.Emlyn’s
- Presentation Creation from the Teaching Course NYC from Scott Weingart EMCrit
- P cubed presentations website by Ross Fischer (ffolliet) a Consultant Paediatric Surgeon, who is “pretty heavily into improving presentations and long for the world to lay down the weapon of bulletpoints and embrace creative and engaging presentations”.
- Talk (slides and audio) by Vicotria Brazil on “Presenting better with Tech” from SMACC 2013 via ICN
- Podcast from Critcal Care Practitioner: 5 Tips for Better Presentations, which includes a list of books for further reference
- Post from Tim Leeuwenburg from KI Doc titled: Out with the Old – In with the New with several other useful suggested resources
- Article from the BMJ titled “How not to give a presentation”
- Article from the BMJ on Teaching in small groups
- P cubed presentations website by Ross Fischer (ffolliet) a Consultant Paediatric Surgeon, who is “pretty heavily into improving presentations and long for the world to lay down the weapon of bulletpoints and embrace creative and engaging presentations”.
- Presentation Creation from the Teaching Course NYC from Scott Weingart EMCrit
Previous SCGH ED CME talks on How to give a presentation:
- Here is Anu’s talk (12/2016) on how to give a presentation. You can open this talk in slideshare to see the attached notes, or here is a brief written summary of the main points contained within the above talk.
- Here is Deanne’s presentation (2/2014) titled “A talk within a talk”. This contains lots of useful advice for those preparing a presentation for CME.