SCGH ED Guideline Table Search

TitleSpecialtySourceDate Created
Neonatal Resuscitation Algorithms Obstetrics, Paediatrics, NeonatologyNeonatal, resuscitation, deliver, babySCGOPHCG2013-10KEMH
PPH Management Obstetricspregnancy, obstetrics, PPH, post-partum, haemorrhage, labourSCGHED2024/122028/12Calire Plint
Shoulder Dystocia Obstetricspregnancy, obstetrics, delivery, labour, obstructed labour, shoulder dystociaSCGHED2024/122028/12Calire Plint
Pre-Eclampsia Obstetricsobstetrics, pre-eclampsia, hypertension, pregnancySCGHED2024/122028/12Calire Plint
Hypertension in Pregnancy Obstetricshypertension, pregnancy, obstetricsSCGHED2024/122028/12Calire Plint
Delivery of a baby in ED Obstetricsobstetrics, delivery, pregnancy, baby, neonate, labourSCGHED2024/122028/12Calire Plint
Blood Gas Interpretation Critical Care, Respiratory, ToxicologyBlood gas, ABG, VBG, interpretation, analysisSCGHED2024/092028/09Jeremy Rogers
SCGH ED Handbook EmergencySCGH ED, Handbook, OrientationSCGHED2024/122028/12Peter Allely
SCGH ED: IV iodinated contrast agent consensus guideline for CT imaging in ED (Draft Format) Radiology, RenalContrast, CT, computer tomography, AKI, renal, impairment, failure, contrast-induced nephropathy, nephropathy, CINSCGHED10/202410/2028Adam Brown (ED), Hakan Yaman (ED), Pending Radiology input
Acute Asthma Mx Guideline Respiratory, Administration / Legalasthma, bronchodilator, SCGHED2024/102028/10Kavinda Senasinghe (ED), Chantelle Badawy (ED), Sanjay Ramakrishnan (Respiratory Medicine)
Influenza-Like Illness (ILI) Testing - Indications for Biofire Testing in ED Respiratory, Infectious DiseaseBiofire, ILI, influenza-like illness, multi ratSCGHED2024/102028/10?Tor Ercleve, Infectious Disease
Take Home Naloxone Toxicology, alcohol and drug servicenaloxone, take home, opiate, toxicitySCGOPHCG2024/052029/05SCGOPHCG Medicines and Therapeutics Committee Executive Officer
Hospital in the Home (HITH) Service General Medicine, MAU, Geriatrics, HITHHITHSCGHED2024/082024/12Liz Feher (Geriatrics), Hung Do Nguyen (General Medicine)
Family & Domestic Violence Trauma, Socialfamily, domestic, violence, FDV, DV, socialSCGHED2024/072028/07Even Foreman
Type B Aortic Syndrome Guideline Vascular aortic dissection, type B, descending, vascularSCGOPHCG2022/012025/01
Foot and leg ulcers Endocrine, Vascularfoot ulcers, vascular, diabetes, arterial ulceration, venous ulceration, vascular insufficiency, ulcerSCGHED2015/05
Central catheter related venous thrombosis Haematology, VascularCentral catheter related venous thrombosis, thrombosis, catheter, PICC line, CVL, central lineSCGHED2014/042018/04
Wound Closure Advice from Closing the Gap Website Traumawound closure, suturing, laceration, trauma, stitch, sutureExternal
Burns Assessment & Management Traumaburns, management, assessment, traumaSCGHED2021/082025/08
Philadelphia collar application Orthopaedics, Traumac-spine, trauma, injury, cervical spine, neck, orthopaedics, traumaSCGHED2015/042019/05
SCGH Trauma Call Criteria Traumatrauma, call, criteria, SCGH EDSCGHED2021/02
Resuscitation / Trauma Team Roles Traumatrauma, team roles, resuscitationSCGHED2015/04
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) - Management of Recreational Use (RPH ED Guideline) Toxicology and Toxinologytoxicology, nitrous oxide, N2O, recreationalExternal2021/01
Drug Withdrawal Management Guidelines Toxicologytoxicology, opioid, methamphetamine, cannabis, benzodiazepine, withdrawal management guidelines, drug and alcoholSCGOPHCG2024/03
Toxicology Handbook (4th Edition) Toxicology and ToxinologyToxicology and Toxinology, handbookSCGOPHCG2022/01
Snake bite envenomation Toxicology and ToxinologyToxicology and Toxinology, snake bite, envenomation, snakeSCGHED2015/092019/09
Lithium toxicity Toxicology and Toxinologylithium, toxicity, poisoning, Toxicology and ToxinologySCGHED2015/092020/06
Paracetamol poisoning Toxicology and Toxinologyparacetamol, poisoning, NAC, N-acetyl cysteine, toxicology, deliberate self poisoningSCGHED2019/062023/09
Giant Cell Arteritis Rheumatologyrheumatology, giant cell arteritis, temporal arteritisSCGOPHCG2022/092024/09
Pneumothorax Cardiothoracics, Respiratory ptx, pneumothorax, spontaneous, respiratory, chest drain, ICC, pleurocathSCGHED2014/042018/04
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Respiratory respiratory, COPD, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, infective exacerbation, non-infective exacerbationSCGHED2015/082019/08
CAPD peritonitis RenalCAPD, periteneal dialysis, renal, peritonitis, bacterialSCGHED2014/022018/02
Iodinated Contrast Media Guideline - The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) Radiology intravenous iodinated contrast, contrast, renal function, Australian and New Zealand college of radiologists, RANZCRExternal2018/03
Joint Advisory Statement between The Royal College of Radiologists & Royal College Emergency Medicine regarding Emergency Computed Tomography scans and the use of Intravenous Iodinated Contrast Agents Radiology intravenous iodinated contrast, contrast, renal, royal college of radiologists, royal college of emergency medicine, UKExternal2023/06
Diagnostic Imaging Pathways Radiologydiagnostic imaging pathways, radiology, evidence-based, imaging guidelinesExternal
X-Ray Risk Calculator Radiologyradiology, calculator, risk calculator, radiation riskExternal
Radiology Eorder Information Radiologyradiology, eorder, imaging, orderingSCGOPHCG2023/09
Pulmonary embolism initial diagnostic pathway Radiology, Respiratorype, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary embolus, respiratory, diagnostic pathway, CTPA, VQ, D-dimerSCGHED2011/052015/05
Cervical spine injury investigation Radiology, Traumac-spine, trauma, injury, investigation, imaging, radiology, cervical spine, neckSCGHED2015/012019/01
Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Emergency Telehealth Service - Health Professionals Flyer Psychiatrypsychiatry, CAMHS, Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)DOHWA2020
Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Emergency Telehealth Service - General Flyer PsychiatryChild & Adolescent Mental Health Service, CAMHS, adolescent, mental health, psychiatry, personality disorder, deliberate self harm, borderline, PDDOHWA2020/01
NMHS Patient Flow Process to access a Mental Health Bed Psychiatrypsychiatry, mental health, patient flow, NMHS, north metro health service, mental health bedSCGOPHCG2014/032017/03
Mental Health Catchment Areas Psychiatrymental health, catchment areas, patient flow, psychiatryDOHWA2016/02
SCGH ED Policy - Mental Health Crisis Transfers Policy Psychiatrypsychiatry, transfer policy, mental health, patient flow, bed allocationSCGHED2021/052025/05
SCGH Mental Health Escalation Plan (Draft Document) Psychiatrypsychiatry, mental health, escalation plan, patient flow, bed block, medical executiveSCGHED2022/122024/02
SCGH Medication Guidelines Pharmacymedication, guidelines, SCGH, pharmacy, SCGOPHCG2024/05
Antiemetic Guideline - 02/2024Pharmacyantiemetic, anti-emetic, nausea, medications, managementSCGHED2024/022028/02
Evidence Based Clinical Guidelines for adult patients in terminal phase Palliative Carepalliative care, palliation, guidelines, terminal diseaseDOHWA2011/01
SCGH Palliative Care Service webpage Palliative Carepalliative care, SCGH, Webpage, palliationSCGOPHCG2023/07
Kids Health WA Paediatric Calculators Paediatricspaediatric, calculators, drug doses, resuscitation, WA, Kids Health, External
Children's Antimicrobial Mx (ChAMP) Guidelines Paediatricspaediatrics, antimicrobial, antibiotic, guideline, CHAMP, External
Perth Children's Hospital (PCH) Guidelines & Calculators Paediatricspaediatric, guidelines, PCH, perth children's hospital, calculatorsExternal
Diagnostic Imaging Pathways - Imaging During Pregnancy and Lactation Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Radiologyimaging, radiology, pregnancy, pregnant, risksExternal2017/06
Radiology Imaging Pregnant Patients Procedure and Risks Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Radiologyimaging, radiology, pregnancy, pregnantDOHWA2017/11
Obstetric patients at SCGH ED Obstetrics and Gynaecologyobstetrics and gynaecology, SCGHEDSCGHED2015/112019/11
Drink Spiking Flyer Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Toxicology and Toxinologydrink spiking flyer, handout, contact informationDOHWA2022/10
ED Patients Presenting with Recreational Drug Intoxication Clinical Guideline (RPH Guideline) Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Toxicology and Toxinologytoxicology, recreational drug intoxication, drink spiking, blood samplingExternal2019/012024/01
Drink Spiking Mx letter to all Emergency Departments in WA Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Toxicology and Toxinologydrink spiking, toxicologyDOHWA2022/07
Sexual assault Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Traumasexual assault, SARC, sexual assault referral centre, traumaSCGHED2024-072028/07
Guideline for the Mx of Nausea & Vomiting in Pregnancy and Hyperemesis Gravidarum Obstetrics and Gynaecologyhyperemesis gravidarum, pregnancy, nauseaExternal2019/01
First trimester pregnancy complications - KEMH Obstetrics and Gynaecologyfirst trimester pregnancy, early pregnancy, pain, bleeding, haemorrhage, ectopic, miscarriage, ovarian, ovary, obstetrics, gynaecology, GTD, hyperemesis, EPASExternal2023/082027/08
First Trimester Pain &/or Bleeding - SCGH ED Obstetrics and Gynaecologyfirst trimester pregnancy, early pregnancy, pain, bleeding, haemorrhage, ectopic, miscarriage, ovarian, ovary, obstetrics, gynaecologySCGHED2015/102019/05
Femoral Fracture Traction Splint (CT-7) - Training Video Orthopaedics, Traumafemoral fracture, femoral shaft fracture, traction splint, CT-7, training video, orthopaedicsSCGHED2022/052026/05
Orthopaedic Investigation Ordering Guideline Orthopaedicsorthopaedics, hip fracture, investigations, geriatricsSCGHED2019/082023/08
Arthrocentesis (joint aspiration) Orthopaedicsorthopaedics, arthrocentesis, joint aspiration, septic arthritis, crystal arthropathy, gout, pseudogoutSCGHED2009/052013/05
Dislocation Management Orthopaedics, Traumadislocation, management, upper limb, lower limbSCGHED2024/042028/04
Base of 5th Metatarsal Fracture - Patient Information Handout Orthopaedics, Trauma5th metatarsal, fracture, patient information handout, orthopaedics, foot, traumaSCGHED2018/012022/01
Lower Limb - Foot / Ankle / Lower Leg / Knee Fractures Quick Reference Orthopaedics, Traumafractures , fracture management, lower limb, ankle, knee, foot, lower leg, tibia, fibular, metatarsals, tarsals, phalanges, traumaSCGHED2024/042028/04
Hand / Finger Fractures Orthopaedics, Traumafractures, fracture management, orthopaedics, hand, finger, upper limbSCGHED2024/042028/04
Wrist Fractures Orthopaedics, Traumafractures, fracture management, orthopaedics, wrist, distal forearm, radius, ulna, upper limbSCGHED2024/042028/04
Elbow Fractures Orthopaedics, Traumafractures, fracture management, orthopaedics, elbow, upper limb, humerus, radius, ulnaSCGHED2024/042028/04
Clavicle / Upper Arm / Forearm Fractures Orthopaedics, Traumafractures, fracture management, upper limb, clavicle, upper arm, humerus, forearm, radius, ulna, orthopaedics, traumaSCGHED2024/042028/04
Upper Limb Fractures - All Orthopaedics, Traumafracture management, orthopaedics, upper limbSCGHED2024/042028/08
Basic Fracture Management - Upper and Lower Limb Quick Reference Orthopaedics, Traumafracture management, upper limb, lower limb, quick reference posterSCGHED2024/042028/04
Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma Management Ophthalmologyacute angle glaucoma, glaucoma, management, ophthalmologySCGHED2020/012024/01
Emergency Eye Assessment Sheet Ophthalmologyophthalmology, emergency, eye assessment, ocular emergencySCGHED2016/122020/12
Spinal cord injury assessment and documentation Neurosurgery, Orthopaedicsspinal cord injury, assessment, documentation, trauma, neurosurgery, spinal surgery, orthopaedicsSCGHED2015/042019/04
Head injury Neurosurgery, Traumahead injury, trauma, traumatic brain injury, traumatic cerebral haemorrhage, head trauma, closed head injury, open head injury, neurosurgerySCGHED2015/052019/05
Acute Headache Investigation Pathway Neurologyheadache, investigation, pathway, SAH, subarachnoid, trauma, CVT, central venous thrombosis, trigeminal neuralgia, temporal arteritis, dissectionSCGHED2023/072027/07
FSH ED Seizure Guideline NeurologyFSH, seizure, guideline, epilepsyExternal2014/12
Seizure Management Neurologyseizure, epilepsy, neurology, anti-epilepticSCGHED2009/092013/09
Lumbar puncture Neurologylumbar puncture, SAH, subarachnoid haemorrhage, meningitis, encephalitis, LPSCGHED2009/052013/05
Spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage Neurology, Neurosurgery, General Medicinespontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage, cerebral haemorrhage, haemorrhagic stroke, strokeSCGHED2014/112018/11
Transient Ischaemic Attack - Neurology Rapid Access Clinic (NRAC) NeurologyTIA, transient ischaemic attack, NRAC, neurology rapid access clinic, stroke, neurologySCGHED2024-102027/10
Acute Large Vessel Occlusion (LVO) Stroke: Emergency Clot Removal Information Sheet NeurologyLVO, stroke, large vessel occlusion, clot removal, embolectomy, information sheet, neurologySCGHED2017/052021/05
SJA Bat Phone Stroke Call Information Sheet Neurologystroke, SJA, st john's ambulance, stroke callSCGHED2021/122025/12
Stroke Call Pathway Neurologystroke, ischaemic stroke, stroke call, neurology, brain ischaemia, ischaemic stroke, haemorrhagic strokeSCGHED2021/122025/12
Infectious and Related Disease Notification Form Infectious Diseaseinfectious disease, notification form, notifiable diseaseDOHWA2024/01
Rabies and Australian Bat Lyssavirus exposures - Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP): Information for CACHE STOCK HOLDERS Flow Chart Infectious Diseaserabies, lyssavirus, PEP, cache stocks, post-exposure prophylaxis, stock holdersDOHWA2023/10
Rabies and Australian Bat Lyssavirus exposures - How to access post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP): Information for HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS IN METROPOLITAN PERTH Flow Chart Infectious Diseaserabies, lyssavirus, PEP, infectious disease, post-exposure prophylaxisDOHWA2023/112027/11
Sexually Transmitted Disease (STIs) Management Infectious DiseaseSTI, STD, sexually transmitted, infectious disease, sexually transmitted infection, penile discharge, vaginal dischargeDOHWA2016/07
Blood Cultures - How and when to take (SCGOPHCG Guideline) Infectious Diseaseblood culture, indicationsSCGOPHCG2021/032024/09
Homelink - Outpatient IV Antibiotics Infectious Diseaseinfectious disease, homelink, outpatient iv antibiotics, intravenous antibioticsSCGOPHCG2018/08
SCGH Viral Haemorrhagic Fever Policy Infectious Diseaseviral haemorrhagic fever, VHF, policySCGOPHCG2018/062021/06
Infection Prevention and Control - Infectious Disease Summary Table Guideline Infectious Diseaseinfection prevention and control, infectious disease, transmission-based precautions, precautions, contact droplet, airborne, standardSCGOPHCG2022/082025/08
SCGH Antimicrobial prescribing policy Infectious Diseaseantimicrobial prescribing policy, antibiotics, infectious diseaseSCGOPHCG2018/112022/11
SCGH Infectious Disease Guidelines Infectious Diseaseinfectious disease, guidelinesSCGOPHCG2024/042028/04
SCGH Adult Sepsis Pathway Infectious Diseasesepsis, pathwaySCGOPHCG2023/032027/03
Traveller's Diarrhoea Mx Infectious Diseasetraveller's diarrhoea, gastroenteritis, travel, overseas, fever, diarrhoea, infectious diseaseSCGHED2023/082027/08
Malaria Mx Infectious Diseasemalaria, febrile traveller, fever, infectious diseaseSCGHED2023/082027/08
Dengue Mx Infectious Diseasedengue, febrile traveller, fever, infectious diseaseSCGHED2023/122027/12
Febrile Returned Traveller - Ax & Mx Guidelines Infectious Diseasefebrile traveller, returned traveller, fever, travel, infectious diseaseSCGHED2023/082027/08
SCGHED Sepsis Triage Screening Tool Infectious Diseasesepsis, screening toolSCGHED2018/012021/01
COVID-19 Outpatient Treatment Infectious Diseasecovid, covid-19, treatments, outpatient, viralSCGHED2024/052025/05
Western Australia Vaccine Safety Surveillance (WAVSS) System ImmunologyWAVSS, vaccine, side effects, reporting, western australia vaccine safety surveillanceDOHWA
PEP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis) HIV: Starter Packs for Occupational and Non-Occupational exposure ImmunologyHIV, PEP, post exposure prophylaxis, exposure, human immunodeficiency virusSCGOPHCG2023/082024/08
Management of Immune Related Adverse Events in patients treated with IMMUNE CHECKPOINT INHIBITOR THERAPY: American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Summary of Clinical Practice Guidelines Haematololgy / Haematology Oncology, Oncology, Immunologyimmune checkpoint inhibitor, adverse events, side effects, complications, immune relatedExternal2018/012022/01
Neutropenic Sepsis Guideline Haematology / Haematology Oncologyneutropaenic, sepsis, febrile neutropaenia, fever, oncology, chemotherapySCGOPHCG2021/082024/08
SCGH Haematology Policy Manual Haematologyhaematology policy manualSCGOPHCG2022/122026/12
Jehovah's witnesses and blood products **Haematologytransfusion, blood, products, jehovah's witness, jehovahSCGOPHCG2015/112019/11
Transfusion reaction algorithm Haematologytransfusion, reaction, allergic reaction, TRALI, TACO, haemolytic, haemolysis, feverSCGOPHCG2024/042028/04
Transfusion Forms Haematologytransfusion, formsSCGOPHCG2023/112027/11
SCGOPHCG Transfusion Policy Manual Haematologytransfusion, manualSCGOPHCG2024/042028/04
Iron infusions for chronic anaemia Haeamatologyiron, deficiency, supplementation, infusions, replacement, anaemia, carboxymaltose, polymaltose, derisomaltose, ferrosig, ferinject, monoferSCGOPHCG2020/122025/12
Iron Deficiency Management Guideline for SCGH ED Haematologyiron, deficiency, supplementation, replacement, anaemiaSCGHED2023/102027/10
Home Anticoagulation Support Service (HASS) Haematology / Haematology Oncologyhome anticoagulation, support service, HASSSCGOPHCG2024/042028/04
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Haematology / Haematology Oncology, VascularDVT, deep venous thrombosis, thrombosisSCGHED2023/082027/08
Residential Older Adult Discharge Supports Geriatric Medicineresidential, geriatrics, older adult, discharge supportsSCGHED2022/092026/09
Community Older Adult Discharge Supports Geriatric Medicinegeriatrics, community, older adult, discharge supportsSCGHED2022/092026/09
Traumatic Cardiac Arrest Guideline (RPH) (ANZCOR, ERC) Critical Care, Traumatraumatic cardiac arrest, trauma, resuscitationExternal 2018/05
Geriatrics Assessment Team (GAT) Referral Criteria Geriatric MedicineGAT, geriatric assessment team, referral criteriaSCGHED2024/022028/02
Eating Disorder Management General Medicine, Psychiatryeating disorder, bulumia, anorexia nervosaSCGOPHCG2016/092020/09
Suspected Cauda Equina Pathway General Medicine, Neurosurgerycauda equina, spinal cord compressionSCGHED2020/072024/07
How to make 1.8% and 3% saline solutions from hypertonic saline 23.4% Critical Care, General Medicinehyponatraemia, sodium, hypertonic sodiumSCGOPHCG2020/062024/06
Hyponatraemia Management Guidelines General Medicinehyponatraemia, electrolyte, sodium, hypertonic salineSCGHED2024/042028/04
Paracentesis in Chronic Liver Disease Gastroenterology and Hepatologychronic liver disease, hepatic encephalopathy, liver, hepatitis, paracentesis, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis SCGOPHCG2021/092024/09
PEG re-insertion Gastroenterology and HepatologyPEG, tube, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy, SCGHED2009/012013/01
Decompensated Chronic Liver Disease Guideline Gastroenterology and Hepatologyliver disease, decompensated, hepaticSCGHED2017/022021/07
Heat Health Advice - DOHWA Environmentalheat, heat exhaustion, hyperthermia, dehydrationDOHWA2022/11
Anaphylaxis Management Pathway Environmental, Immunologyanaphylaxis, allergySCGOPHCG2023/052026/05
Diving emergencies Environmentaldiving emergencies, bends, hyperbaric, decompression sickness, arterial gas embolism, age, dcs, dci, barotraumaSCGHED2015/092018/09
Vertigo Assessment Guideline ENT, Neurologyvertigo, dizziness, posterior circulation stroke, BPPV, positional vertigo, stroke, menierre's diseaseSCGHED2020/112024/11
Epistaxis Management ENTepistaxis, nose bleedSCGHED2020/062024/06
Adult Hyperosmolar Hyperglycaemic State (HHS) Guideline EndocrineHHS, hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state, diabetesSCGOPHCG2023/082025/08
SGLT2 Inhibitors (gliflozins) and Euglycaemic Ketoacidosis Endocrinediabetes, SGLT2 Inhibitors, gliflozins, Euglycaemic Ketoacidosis, ketoacidosisSCGOPHCG2023/082026/08
DKA Flow Pathway / Disposition Plan EndocrineDKA, flow pathway, diabetic ketoacidosis, diabetesSCGHED2020/062024/06
Adult Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) Guideline EndocrineDKA, diabetes, diabetic ketoacidosisSCGOPHCG2023/082026/08
Adult Variable Rate Intravenous Insulin Guideline Endocrinevariable rate insulin, diabetes, insulin SCGOPHCG2023/082026/08
SCGH ED Clinician Performed Emergency Ultrasound Guidelines ED UltrasoundED Ultrasound, POCUS, point of care ultrasound, DDU, diploma of diagnostic ultrasoundSCGHED2008/012012/01
SCGH ED Disaster Management Resources Disasterdisaster, code brown, disaster manualSCGHED2017/052021/05
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome / Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis - FSH Guideline Dermatologydermatology, SJS, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, tens, toxic epidermal necrolysisEXT2023/062027/06
Delusional Parasitosis Dermatologydelusional parasitosis, drug-induced, parasitosis, delusionDOHWA2015/012019/01
Non-Traumatic Dental Emergencies Dentalnon-traumatic, dental emergencies, dental, teeth, tooth, dentist, mouthSCGHED2023/082027/08
Dental Injuries - Patient Information Handout Dentalpatient handout, dental trauma, dentists, tooth, teeth, trauma, handoutSCGHED2024/012028/01
Dental Trauma Dentaldental trauma, teeth, tooth, maxillo-facial, plastic surgery, dental. mouth, traumaSCGHED2023/082027/08
Tissue / organ donation Critical Care, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Traumatissue, organ, donation, brain death, icuSCGPOHCG2024/072027/07
ECMO / ECPR Resources Cardiothoracics, Critical Care, Cardiologycardiology, cardiothoracics, ECMO, ECPR, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation, cardiac arrestSCGHED2017/072021/07
Post resuscitation care Critical Carepost-resuscitation, post-intubation, resuscitation, care, intubationSCGHED2013/012017/01
Central Venous Line (CVL) - SCGH Recommended Fixation Standard Critical CareCVL, central line, central venous line, central venous access, vascular access, procedureSCGHED2015/112019/11
Central line insertion Critical CareCVL, central line, central venous line, central venous access, vascular access, procedureSCGHED2009/052013/05
Airway Management Resources Critical Careairway, intubation, anesthetics, preoxygenation, airway trolley, laryngoscopy, cricothyroidotomy, ventilation, ventilatorSCGHED2024/022028/02
SCGH Massive Transfusion Protocol Cardiothoracics, Critical Care, Haematology, Trauma, Vascularmassive transfusion, massive haemorrhage, haemorrhage, haemorrhagic shock, traumatic arrest, haematolgy, transfusionSCGOPHCG2024/042028/04
Pulmonary embolism advanced care pathway Cardiothoracics, Critical Care, RespiratoryPE, pulmonary embolism, embolus, thromboembolism, thromboembolic, SCGHED2023/032027/03
Rib Fractures / Chest Wall Injury in the Elderly Cardiothoracics, Geriatrics, Analgesia and Anaesthesia, Traumachest injury, rib fracture, elderly, geriatrics, acute pain service, APS, regional anaesthesia, analgesia, chest, pain, chest wall injurySCGHED2023/122027/12
Blunt Dissection Chest Drain (28Fg) Insertion Pack Cardiothoracics, Respiratorychest drain, haemothorax, pneumothorax, htx, ptx, pleural, pleural catheter, chest catheter, ICC, intercostal catheter, costal catheter, blunt dissection chest drain insertion packSCGHED2016/052020/05
Chest Drain Insertion Guideline Cardiothoracics, Respiratorychest drain, haemothorax, pneumothorax, htx, ptx, pleural, pleural catheter, chest catheter, ICC, intercostal catheter, costal catheterSCGHED2009/052013/05
Policy for the insertion of a chest drain by trainees Cardiothoracics, Respiratorychest drain, haemothorax, pneumothorax, htx, ptx, pleural, pleural catheter, chest catheter, ICC, intercostal catheter, costal catheterSCGHED2015/052019/05
ECMO for OOHCA Cardiology, Cardiothoracics, Critical Carecardiology, cardiothoracics, ECMO, ECPR, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation, cardiac arrestSCGHED2022/042026/04
Transthoracic cardiac pacing Cardiologycardiology, transthoracic pacing, pacing, bradycardia, bradyarrhythmia, complete heart block, CHB, heart blockSCGHED2009/052013/05
Electrical cardioversion Cardiologycardiology, cardioversion, electrical cardioversion, AF, VT, VF, atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, arrhythmia, tachyarrhythmiaSCGHED2009/052013/05
Defibrillation Cardiologycardiology, defibrillation, VF, ventricular fibrillation, cardiac arrestSCGHED2009/052013/05
Atrial fibrillation with Tachycardia CardiologyAF, atrial fibrillation, cardioversion, cardiology, tachycardia, tachyarrhythmiaSCGHED2016/022020/02
Chest pain pathway & Code STEMI Protocol Cardiologycardiology, chest pain, acs, acute coronary syndrome, SETMI, MI, myocardial infarction, Code STEMISCGHED2015/032019/03
Upper GI bleeding Gastroenterology and Hepatologyupper gastrointestinal bleed, haemorrhage, peptic ulcer, oesophageal varices, UGIB, mallory weiss tearSCGHED2024/112027/11
Procedural sedation documentation and checklist Analgesia and Anaestheticsprocedural, sedation, reduction, fracture, disclocation, cardioversion, anaesthesia, orthopaedicSCGHED2010/082014/08
Femoral Nerve Block Procedure Analgesia and Anaestheticsfemoral, nerve, block, regional, anaesthesia, analgesia, fracture, femur, hip, orthopaedics, local anaestheticSCGHED2019/032023/03
Local anaesthetic infiltration Analgesia and Anaestheticslocal, anaesthesia, anaesthetic, infiltration, injection, analgesia, pain, regionalSCGHED2017/052021/05
Ring Removal Guidelines Analgesia and Anaestheticsring, removal, upper limb, hand, fingers, regional, fractureSCGHED2023/082027/08
Community Program for Opioid Pharmacotherapy (CPOP) – Continuation in Hospital Analgesia and Anaestheticscpop, communtiy program for opioid pharmacoptherapy, opiate, opioid, dependence, withdrawal, methadoneSCGOPHCG2023/092026/09
Intranasal Fentanyl: Emergency Department Analgesia and Anaestheticsanalgesia, fentanyl, intranasal, scghed. pain, managementSCGOPHCG2023/082026/08
SCGH Acute Pain Service - Analgesia Prescribing Tips Analgesia and Anaestheticsanalgesia, anaesthetics, pain, management, prescribing, APS, acute pain serviceSCGOPHCG2023/012027/01
Hydromorphone Analgesia and Anaestheticshydromorphone, analgesia, pain, managementSCGHED2015/042019/04
SCGH ED Prescribing Pathway for Discharge Analgesia Analgesia and Anaestheticsanalgesia, discharge, outpatient, pain, management, scghed, prescribingSCGHED2022/092026/09
Alcohol and Drug Service (ADS) Allied Health & Support Servicesalcohol, drug, ADS, dependency, intoxication, withdrawalSCGOPHCG2023/122027/12
Language and Interpreter Services Allied Health & Support Serviceslanguage, nesb, interpreter, servicesSCGHED2024/032028/03
Care Coordination Team (CCT) Allied Health & Support ServicesCCT, Care coordination team, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, mobility, geriatricsSCGHED2024/052028/05
St John's Ambulance Live DashboardAdministration / LegalSJA, st john's, ambulance, transfer, dashboardExternal2024/04
APTC Clinicians Dashboard Administration / LegalAPTC, transfers, WACHSDOHWA2024/01
Voluntary Assisted Dying - Information Management System Administration / Legal, Palliative CarePalliative, VAD, voluntary assisted dyingDOHWA2019/012023/01
Forensic Blood Sampling - Legislation Administration / Legalforensic, blood sampling, BAL, blood alcohol level, road traffic DOHWA2017/012021/01
WACHS Tertiary Hospital Catchments Administration / LegalWACHS, tertiary, hospital, catchment, areas, countryDOHWA2021/032025/03
WA Country Health Service (WACHS) Patient Flow Information Administration / LegalWACHS, country health, patient flow, catchment areas, areas, transferDOHWA2023/052027/05
Perth Tertiary Hospital Metropolitan Catchment Areas Administration / Legalcatchment, areas, perth, tertiary, metropolitan, DOHWA2016/012020/01
KEMH - SCGH Transfer for Imaging Pathway Administration/ Legal, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, RadiologyKEMH, SCGH, transfer, imaging, CT, radiologySCGOPHCG2023/092027/09
Helicopter Interhospital Transfer Protocol Administration / Legalhelicopter, transfer, interhospitalSCGOPHCG2022/042026/04
Expedited Transfer of Medical Assessment Unit Patients to Another Specialty Administration / Legaltransfer, MAU, medical assessment unit, specialty, administrationSCGOPHCG2023/052027/05
SCGH Respiratory Admission Guidance Administration / Legal, Respiratoryrespiratory, admission, criteria, guidanceSCGOPHCG2020/122024/12
SCGOPHCG Specialty Area Admission Criteria Administration / Legaladmission, criteria, specialty, administrationSCGOPHCG2023/022026/02
Patient Confidentiality Administration / Legalpatient confidentiality, media, confidentialitySCGHED2018/082022/08
Bier block Analgesia and Anaestheticsbier's, block, biers, regional, analgesia, anaesthesia, colle's, colles, fracture, upper limb, reduction, SCGHED2024/122028/12
Urinary catheterisation Urologyurine, catheter, IDC, urology, retention, urinarySCGHED2009/052013/05

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