Tag orthopaedics

Bier Block

SCGHED Guideline 3 340

Charlie’s ED Bier Block Guideline [PDF] Date implemented – 06/2019 Review date – 06/2022 Author – NP Nuria O’Mahony, Dr Jason Armstrong

CME: Paediatric Fractures

SCGHED Education Paediatrics 340

Here is Ros’s talk on paediatric fractures. Resources: Salter Harris Classification of fractures involving the epiphyseal (growth) plate: Paediatric Elbow Injury Videos: PMH Fracture Management Guidelines

CME: Plaster Tips and Tricks

SCGHED Education 1 340

Here is Sam’s useful talk on how to improve plaster technique in the ED. Resources: Previous SCGH ED CME Post on Plaster Tips & Guides from 05/2014 WA Health ED Adult Discharge Instructions on Plaster Cast Care (Intranet only) ‘An Easy…

CME: Hip Reduction Techniques

SCGHED Education 1 340

Reducing a dislocated hip can be a physically challenging procedure but if done with good technique, can be a much more successful and less challenging endeavour. Here is Sam’s talk on hip reduction techniques, including multiple video examples. Resources: Quick…