Tag oncology

CME: Immunotherapy – the promises and pitfalls

SCGHED Education 3 340

Here is Lydia Warburton’s (SCGH Medical Oncology Fellow) talk on the benefits and adverse effects of immunotherapy in oncology patients. Here is Julie Teraci’s (CNC Wa Melanoma Advisory Service) complimentary talk on managing adverse effects of immunotherapy treatment. Resources: Management…

Febrile neutropaenia

SCGH management guideline for febrile neutropenia Date implemented – 05/2010 Review date – Pending (checked 2/2016) Author – David Speers (Infectious diseases) / Haematology


SCGHED Guideline 4 340

Indications Diagnostic Determine the cause of new onset ascites, ascites of unknown origin, or suspected malignant ascites Suspicion of bacterial peritonitis in a patient with known ascites with associated pyrexia, hypotension, tachycardia or encephalopathy. Therapeutic Remove excess intraperitoneal fluid to…