Blunt Dissection Chest Drain (28Fg) Insertion Pack

Here is a breakdown of the contents of the new ICC packs that are currently being stocked in the ED. These packs contain all the necessary equipment needed for the insertion of a large bore (28Fg) ICC in the one pack (apart from: the drainage bottle and tubing, gloves, local, antiseptic and appropriate ICC skin dressing):


Some more details picks (courtesy of Dr Rippey):

ICC pack
ICC pack contents1
ICC pack drape
ICC pack contents2
ICC pack contents3
ICC pack contents4

Note: insertion of the introducer! Close-up image below:

ICC pack introducer

Additional Equipment (not included in the pack, to complete the job):

Needle Thoracostomy

14G cannula (45mm, non-safety) – if needle thoracostomy required (prior to finger thoracostomy equipment being available)

antiseptic, local anaesthetic and gloves
Drainage bottle and tubing
Dr James Wheeler
Dr James Wheeler

Emergency Physician, SCGH, WA, Australia

Articles: 503

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