CME 05/11/15 – Emergency Resuscitative Thoracotomy

Here is Jeremy’s talk on emergency thoracotomy.


EAST updated its ERT recommendations in 2015 as follows:
  1. In patients who present pulseless to the Emergency Department with signs of life after penetrating thoracic injury, we strongly recommend resuscitative Emergency Department thoracotomy.
  2. In patients who present pulseless to the Emergency Department without signs of life after penetrating thoracic injury, we conditionally recommend resuscitative Emergency Department thoracotomy.
  3. In patients who present pulseless to the Emergency Department with signs of life after penetrating extra-thoracic injury, we conditionally recommend resuscitative Emergency Department thoracotomy.
  4. In patients who present pulseless to the Emergency Department without signs of life after penetrating extra-thoracic injury, we conditionally recommend resuscitative Emergency Department thoracotomy.
  5. In patients who present pulseless to the Emergency Department with signs of life after blunt injury, we conditionally recommend resuscitative Emergency Department thoracotomy.
  6. In patients who present pulseless to the Emergency Department without signs of life after blunt injury, we conditionally recommend against resuscitative Emergency Department thoracotomy
Here are a some algorithms:
WTA Thoracotomy Algorithm
emergency thoracotomy algorithm
emergency thoracotomy algorithm2
Here are the videos:

Here is a link to John’s slides and podcast from this great talk at SMACC 2015 via

Dr James Wheeler
Dr James Wheeler

Emergency Physician, SCGH, WA, Australia

Articles: 503

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