SCGH ED Ultrasound Logbook

Thanks to Kyle Khopamel and James Rippey, we now have a new printable SCGH ED Ultrasound Logbook. This is to be used, in conjunction with attending a basic ultrasound course, to attain ACEM accreditation for AAA, EFAST and Procedural ultrasound. Printed copies of this are currently available from ED Administration, or can be printed be anyone by following the link above or clicking on the image below.

Given the senior ultrasound skill set of this emergency department (4, soon to be 5, DDU consultants and daily ED ultrasound service). We encourage all registrars to attempt to achieve accreditation in these areas of ultrasound during your time at SCGH ED.

Ultrasound Logbook

This logbook may expand to include Basic Echo in the near future. Until then here is the individual Echo Form.

Other useful ultrasound resources, including:

  • ACEM and SCGH US use policies
  • US training options
  • Logbooks and individual US examination forms
  • Basic US physics and examination how to videos

can be found on this website at: Utrasound – Where do I start?

Dr James Wheeler
Dr James Wheeler

Emergency Physician, SCGH, WA, Australia

Articles: 503

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