CME: Systematic ECG Interpretation
Here is Sam’s talk on the systematic evaluation of the ECG. There are many methods to go about interpreting an ECG, and excluding conjecture on the definition of some normal parameters, the cornerstone to all of these methods is knowing what is normal and what is abnormal. As pointed out by Sam, you will only see something if you actually look for it. So this is where a systematic approach to analysis compliments your acquired knowledge of ECG normalities and abnormalities. With experience pattern rhythm may take over. However, you should develop your own system of ECG interpretation that will prevent you from missing subtle abnormalities, and use this when needed to examine more complex ECG’s.
- Previous talk on ECG interpretation by Nola McPherson given at SCGH ED CME 21/8/2014
- Eric’s Medical Video Lectures on “EKG Interpretation” from Dr Eric Strong’s YouTube Education Channel