CME 22/01/15 – Obstetric Resources at SCGH ED

Thanks to Deanne, Suzanne and others noted below, here is a copy of all the information now contained on the Obstetrics Orientation Resources page found under the ED Orientation menu:

Birth Algorithm

SCGH ED has all the Obstetric Equipment set up in ready-to-grab packs in our Pink Boxes (click to reveal contents list):

These live in the Clean Utility Room on the bottom shelf (to the right as you walk in). The Delivery Bundle box contains a helpful Pink Manual with all the O&G information you might need whilst working on the floor. These resources were set up by Suzanne Rosenberg, Clinical Nurse & Registered Midwife. Suzanne, and friends, talk through the SCGH ED obstetric resources in the following four password protected videos.

Video Password: PinkBox14

Video Cast & Crew: Pregnant Patient: Nicole Hoskins; Emergency Ultrasound Consultant: James Rippey; Emergency Doctor: Stephanie Schleuter; Midwife/Presenter: Suzanne Rosenberg; Cinematographer / Photographer : Roger Swift; Producer and Editor: Deanne Chiu

How to set up for a birth in ED:

Birth simulation/demonstration:

Finding the Foetal Heart

The Pink Boxes – ED Obstetric Equipment

Neonatal Resuscitation Algorithms:

Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) Flowchart

Newborn Life Support

KEMH Neonatal Resuscitation Algorithm:

KEMH Neonatal Resucitation Algorithm

Other useful resources:

O&G Contacts list

For further training we recommend attending the Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics Course

Charlie’s ED Team Regs and Resusc staff can expect an O&G themed simulation once per semester as part of the SCGH ED Monday & Friday morning simulation sessions.

We would like to thank everyone who has helped with this blog post and series of videos as credited and especially Nicole and Thomas (formerly known as bump). For any further feedback or O&G training ideas please feel free to contact Suzanne (CN & RM) & Deanne (EM Education Reg).

Dr James Wheeler
Dr James Wheeler

Emergency Physician, SCGH, WA, Australia

Articles: 501

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