Tag anaesthesia

Bier Block

SCGHED Guideline 3 340

Charlie’s ED Bier Block Guideline [PDF] Date implemented – 12/2024 Review date – 12/2028 Author – NP Nuria O’Mahony, Dr Jason Armstrong

CME: Procedural Sedation

SCGHED Education Toxicology 340

Here is James’ talk on procedural sedation. Resources: ANZCA guideline on sedation/analgesia Ketofol for procedural sedation revisited: pro and con. Ann Emerg Med. 2015 ACEP Clinical Policy: Procedural Sedation and Analgesia in the Emergency Department Procedural Sedation from LITFL Previous…

CME: Ultrasound Guided Lower Limb Nerve Blocks

SCGHED Ultrasound education 340

Here is Jason’s talk on commonly used ultrasound guided lower limb nerve blocks. Resources: SCGH ED Ultrasound – Where do I start?  Contains lots of useful information for those keen to use ultrasound at Charlie’s ED Ultrasound Guided Peripheral Nerve…

CME 24/03/16 – Delayed Sequence Intubation

Here is Rosie’s talk on DSI. Resources (DSI & Preoxygenation): SCGH ED Delayed Sequence Intubation (DSI) Guidelines: Previous CME talk on “Preoxygenation” by Kerry Gomes 3/2015 Here is a comprehensive video by Ass Prof James Rippey on how to optimise…

CME: Procedural Sedation

SCGHED Education Paediatrics 340

Here is James’ talk on procedural sedation. Resources: ANZCA guideline on sedation/analgesia Ketofol for procedural sedation revisited: pro and con. Ann Emerg Med. 2015 ACEP Clinical Policy: Procedural Sedation and Analgesia in the Emergency Department Previous CME talks on Procedural…