CME: Syncope and the ECG
Here is Dan’s talk on syncope and the ECG.
- ECG Library
- ECG Features that suggest a potentially life-threatening arrhythmia as the cause for syncope. Joseph E. Marine. Journal of Electrocardiology Volume 46, Issue 6, November–December 2013, Pages 561-568
- “Killer ECG Patterns – Deadly Diagnoses Not To Miss!!”
- EDExam Whiteboard Session 1 – WPW & AF:
Other Syncope Resources:
- Saqib’s talk on Syncope, Sudden Death and the ECG 12/2015
- Anne-Maries talk on Syncope Assessment 10/2014
- Mo’s previous talk on Syncope Assessment and Management
- EBM 4/2014 – “Syncope: Risk Stratification and Clinical Decision Making” – full document (need to have logged in with your hospital library login)
EBM Syncope Clinical Pathway:
Clinical Decision Making Rules:
San Francisco Syncope Rule (SFSR):
Here is the an assessment of the SFSR from the NNT website
Rose Syncope Rule:
OESIL Syncope Rule:
A good summary of the above rules can be found in an article from American Family Physician: “Risk Stratification of Patients Presenting with Syncope” as seen in the table below: