CME: End of Life Discussions in the ED
Here is Lakmal’s talk on “end of life discussions”.
- Published Articles:
- Quill TE1, Arnold R, Back AL. Discussing treatment preferences with patients who want “everything”. Ann Intern Med. 2009 Sep 1;151(5):345-9.
- Smith, R. A good death. British Medical Journal 2000;320.
- Swerissen H, Duckett S. Dying well: Grattan Institute Report No. 2014-10
- Rosenwax LK, McNamara BA, Murray K, McCabe RJ, Aoun SM, Currow DC. Hospital and emergency department use in the last year of life: a baseline for future modifications to end-of-life care. Med J Aust 2011;194(11):570-3
- If you die, do you want to stay dead? by Rick Abbott from LITFL
- Advanced Health Directives from the DOHWA website provides links to several sources of information:
- Palliative Care Medications:
- Palliative Medications – list / indications & dosing from ECI NSW
- Core palliative medicines – from RACGP
- Palliative Care Medications List – including indication and dosing from DOHWA
- SCGH Palliative Care Staff Contacts – (intranet)