CME: Ultrasound in Cardiac Arrest
Here is Sinead’s talk on the utility of ultrasound in cardiac arrest
Here is Sinead’s talk on the utility of ultrasound in cardiac arrest
Here is Richie’s talk on haemodynamic assessment with echo.
Here is my talk on the use of ultrasound in undifferentiated shock. Note: Unfortunately the video loops are not viewable on slideshare. Resources: Use of bedside ultrasound in shock: RUSH protocol talk by Dan at CME 9/2016 Ultraound in Shock talk by…
Here is Dan’s talk on the use of bedside ultrasound in atraumatic shock. Resources: Ultraound in Shock talk at CME by Anu 9/2014 EMCrit – The Rush Exam Original RUSH article LITFL – Own the Echo! Ultrasound Village – Emergency…