Category CME

CME 14/04/16 – Tachyarrhythmia Management

Here is Nadhi’s talk on the diagnosis and the management of tachyarrhythmias. Resources: Ali’s talk on Tachyarrhythmia’s 9/2015 Candice’s talk on Tachyarrhythmias 10/2014 A Simplified Approach to Tachydysrhythmias from CoreEM:

CME 24/03/16 – Delayed Sequence Intubation

Here is Rosie’s talk on DSI. Resources (DSI & Preoxygenation): SCGH ED Delayed Sequence Intubation (DSI) Guidelines: Previous CME talk on “Preoxygenation” by Kerry Gomes 3/2015 Here is a comprehensive video by Ass Prof James Rippey on how to optimise…

CME: Procedural Sedation

SCGHED Education Paediatrics 340

Here is James’ talk on procedural sedation. Resources: ANZCA guideline on sedation/analgesia Ketofol for procedural sedation revisited: pro and con. Ann Emerg Med. 2015 ACEP Clinical Policy: Procedural Sedation and Analgesia in the Emergency Department Previous CME talks on Procedural…

CME: ECG Interpretation

SCGHED Education ECG 340

Here is Aine’s talk on ECG interpretation. Here is Aine’s ECG Quiz. Click on the slideshare link and click on the notes tab below presentation to see the quiz answers. Resources: Previous SCGH ED CME talks on ECG interpretation: Sam’s…