CME 13/02/14 – How to present for CME “A talk within a talk”

Here is Deanne’s presentation titled “A talk within a talk”. This contains lots of useful advice for those preparing a presentation for CME.

Here are some links from the talk:

Below is a presentation, supplied by Google, giving examples of what not to do:

Additional Resources:

Here is a talk (slides and audio) by Vicotria Brazil on “Presenting better with Tech” from SMACC 2013 via ICN

Here is an article from the BMJ titled “How not to give a presentation”

Here is another article from the BMJ on Teaching in small groups:

ABC teaching small groups

Here are a couple of “Death by Powerpoint” talks that have some good tips:

Dr James Wheeler
Dr James Wheeler

Emergency Physician, SCGH, WA, Australia

Articles: 501

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